Thanks for the info. Unfortunately for me (as I am one of the 99.998% of humanity who is not a computer programmer or engineer) I elected to have the UBB staff do the installation. I suppose that they might have been gracious enough to explain that problem as simply as you did, but they are such busy guys and have to move quickly. As with all of the other services that cannot be addressed with FAQs or autoresponders, it must have slipped their mind. Really good marketing and PR, what?

If I cannot use Admin5 to do the administrative functions, how do I do those functions? The assigned Moderators can't do them (not the way it was set up by the professional installers of the UBB installation team).

Thank goodness that automobiles do not arrive as UBB does or we'd have to assemble them or, if one hired the "team" to assemble them, you'd be required to be an engineer in order to operate it.

As a very good software designer once told me...designing the code is easy, it's the creation of a smooth human interface that takes the talent. I guess that UBB has yet to develop the attitude toward customers that fires up those talents and keeps it as a second-tier product...just this side of shareware.

Sending me running for the instruction manuals and FAQs is, as the large software companies have demonstrated just before gobbling up the smalled companies, a sign of a very lazy company that is surviving in a world that does not reward laziness for very long.

It's an indication of an odd understanding of business procedures that UBB relies on the good offices and generosity of people such as yourself to solve problems that they should be solving (write to Microsoft or Adobe with a similar problem and someone from the company will be there with you to help you until it's solved.

I certainly appreciate the generosity that you have shown.