Hi there, I don't exactly know what you mean by threads making it easier to read PMs.

I'd like to be able to check my entire community of PMs weekly to ensure a cleaner environment.

I've already experimented and know that I can go to:
cp-->member mgmt-->enter a display name & submit-->click the username link-->click "Become This Member" button-->click "My Stuff"-->click "My Messages" and then view the users mail messages and delete whatever I feel needs to be deleted.

Is there a faster way? Indeed, using this method would take multi-hours to complete even if the community was small.

I read in one of the ubb forum posts that an admin could view the PMs using phpadmin. I will try this today and see if I can view a bulk of PMs for the community instead of for each user.

I'm listening close if you have any suggestions or information to help here. Thanks.

[Linked Image from shorthandclasses.com]