Well, since I'm new at this, I haven't had the pleasure of losing it yet. But being a Southern Bell redneck, no doubt "losing it" will try to surface itself!

Since I'm enlisting degreed teachers and consultant trainers (only 2 so far), I'm hoping their maturity will out-weigh any angry monsters hidden in their closet.

Personally, I get "pushed to the edge" when I visit other forums and read posts where the more-educated folks demean an average mind with their expanded vocabulary. The simple-minded person hasn't the faintest idea they're being belittled. No curse words are used, mind you! They do this just because they can! This type of behavior burns me up in a split second.

What should I do if something like this happens on my forum? I guess my options might be to:

1. Delete their degrading post
2. Send them a PM to re-edit their post
3. Ban them

Any other suggestions? Thanks.

[Linked Image from shorthandclasses.com]