I do this to find a day.

$today = date("dm");
// <<<--- There just comment outs.
// result == 2806 Day, Month

You can then do an Else if statement.

if ($today == ("2806")) { include ('birthday/birthday_header.inc.php'); } // Happy Birthday
else if ($today == ("1111")) { include ('birthday/birthday_header2.inc.php'); }

// And if none of the conditions above are met do this.
else { include ('default/default-header2.inc.php'); } // Normal Header.

So with the above, you have 2 True Conditions
and 1 false. Which all can perform a different action.
You will probably have to add the "Year" to the date?
Google "php date". its probably a small "y" to equal "08"
That will make the call appear only in that year.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo