
I agree fully with the points of your last post. All valid.

I also agree fully with Gizzy's observation that a little planning and coordination of the announcement would have been a good thing.

As in...

Well, how I would have handled it would be to have Rick make an announcement followed directly by the new guy stating who he is, who he is in the industry, tell us about his vision and where he sees the product going from here, and maybe some chit chat with the members...

This would have shown that the new owner(s?) is/are fully cognizant of the nuances of cultivating a successful online community.

After all, we all here strive to do just that. We would like to believe that the creators of the software we use are fully in tune with what it takes to run a healthy online community.

This particular transition does not exactly exude confidence in this realm. It feels a little rushed without appropriate attention to the human factor of the transition.

This could be due to any number of reasons that might be understandable if all the details were known. ( And no, I am not asking to be privy to such details.)

Rick is a tough act to follow.

All water under the bridge now. Woulda, shoulda, coulda.

I am keeping an open mind… for a while.

The time draws nigh for someone to give this endeavor serious thought and let us know the grand design. Or at least part of it. grin